Local business owners of Beausejour Music John and Gail are also familiar to many as The Dreamcatchers Band. We have a couple of their CDs, with one pictured here. They are mainly Country and Country Gospel, and I think John writes most of these songs They’re also good friends of Town Radio, and are happy to receive CDs on our behalf at their store on Third Street South. They’re typically open afternoons if you need some guitar strings, or are interested in music lessons.
local artists
Beausejour’s own Tracy K delves into more that one musical genre. Blues, Jazz, and really, she’s strikes me as as someone just plain loves any music. We’re lucky enough to have some songs from an upcoming CD that will be called ‘Canned Heat’, so tune in to hear those. For more info about Tracy K, visit her website at tracyk.ca.
Another musical project recorded by Max Dupas at Hazel Ridge Studios close to Beausejour is Darling Friday. More info at www.darlingfriday.com
Hazelridge studios is a stone’s throw from Beausejour, and features Max Dupas at the controls and behind the music of Liebschen Frjygga. For more on them, visit www.liebschienfrjygga.com.

I came to the radio studio to find a surprise waiting for me. It was a CD from a local musician, Peter Gerbrand. His CD shows his website as singingsodbuster.blogspot.com.

CD: Deep Roots Gospel is a release by local musician, Peter Gerbrand. It also features John Linklater and Gail Deleau. The official release date was September 27th, 2009 at Elim Baptist Church at 645 James Avenue in Beausejour.