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Norman Voss on his Beausejour song

Here is the interview I did with Norman Voss, and John & Gail at Beausejour Music about the song he wrote and recorded titled Beausejour. Can you guess what it’s about? 🙂 I don’t have the actual song linked, but you can tune in to 93.9 FM to hear it. So when Norm introduces it at the end, that’s where the interview ends.

Norm Voss Interview for his song titled Beausejour

One Man Out

Local Beausejour resident Colin Graves was inspired as he watched the rescue of the Chilean miners. He wrote and recorded One Man Out, and released a video to youtube.

Here is the interview I did when Colin when I was lucky enough to have him visit Town Radio.

colin graves interview 20101023

And here is the video and song.